support us
Your membership and contributions help us fund fun events and allows the PTA to provide grants for author visits, field trips, workshops and assemblies.
Parent Membership/Contributions
Please download and complete the Parent Membership form, send it to school in an envelope marked PVC PTA Membership and have your child leave it at the Welcome Center OR mail it to PVC PTA, Pierre Van Cortlandt Middle School, 3 Glen Place, Croton-on-Hudson, NY 10520 OR Bring it to Back to School Night!
You can also register and pay for your membership online by clicking on the button below:
If you are already a member or aren't able to volunteer, please consider making a contribution online.
teacher/staff Membership
Please download and complete the Teacher/Staff Membership form and place it with payment in an envelope marked PVC PTA Membership. Return the form by placing it in the PTA mailbox in the main office.
You can also register and pay for your membership online by clicking on the button below: